“Church in the borderlands”, symposium 6 maart, Utrecht

Het verkennen van verschillende grensgebieden en de plek van de kerk daarin, gezien door de ogen van de academie en de praktijk. Dat is de focus van dit symposium, wat is geïnspireeerd door en voortbouwt op het proefschrift van Marten van den Toren-Liefting, getiteld Pray for the City: Researching Pentecostalism, Migration and the Spanish Public Sphere. Marten is relatiebeheerder bij Kerk in Actie.

De uitnodiging voor dit symposium luidt in het Engels: This research was conducted among Pentecostal communities in Madrid with substantial connections with Latin America through migration, media, or transnational networks of religious leaders. This dissertation discovers Pentecostal communities living across and dwelling within a multitude of borderlands, thus challenging hegemonies: challenging how contemporary global spaces are constituted, what and who constitutes the political, and what is perceived as being religiously significant. And yet, it also becomes evident that such borderlands are often dangerous and potentially cause profound anxieties for the researched Pentecostal communities.

In the symposium, we will explore these themes covered in this research beyond the context of this research. The topics covered in the symposium are as follows (subject to change):  

  • Opening with and introduction on the theme of “Church in the Borderlands”  
  • Exploring various borderlands and the church’s place in them, through the eyes of academia and practice.
    • In the borderlands between the local and the global
    • In the borderlands between the spiritual and the material
    • In the borderlands between peacebuilding and socio-economic development
    • In the borderlands between local churches and political engagement
  • Closing reflections
  • “Borrel
    •           Each of the topics will be reflected on in pairs, one speaking from the perspective of academia and another from the perspective of practitioners. Speakers will be among others, Prof. Dr. Dorottya Nagy, Dr. Erica Meijers, and Ds. Karin van den Broeke.  With this symposium academia and practice will be brought together. In so doing, this symposium might be of interest for academics and practitioners working in the field of diakonia, on themes surrounding migration and the church’s response to migration, for those interested in the engagement of the church in the public sphere in the Netherlands and beyond, and many more.
      • If you wish to attend, please sign up via the following link: https://forms.gle/bCeKC7vhmR2sZg66A.
      • If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to email me  (m.vandentoren@protestantsekerk.nl).