Converting Discipleship: Dissidence and Metanoia

The Transforming Discipleship Working Group van de Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (WCC) biedt deze reflecties aan als een  uitwerking van de oogst van de wereldzendingsconferentie in Arusha over de roeping tot discipelschap. Het bijhorende webinar is terug te kijken op youtube.

Discipleship has become a key issue across all levels of the Church, in our ecumenical work, our denominational work and our witness in communities. God seems to be challenging us to a more intentional commitment in response to His love revealed in Christ and the new world Christ embodies and invites amongst us now. Discipleship is key to effecting transformation in God’s body, the Earth and in Christ’s body, the Church.

Any truly ecumenical envisioning of Christian discipleship needs to take into account Christianity’s part in colonizing violence and occupation.  The shift of the center of Christianity to the global South and to communities from the global South in the global North, means we are shaped by the currents and legacies of enslavement, colonization and power.

Our confession invites a metanoia, a new orientation and direction. As we look to leave behind a colonial and chauvinistic church, we see the way open through a spirit of interculturality, marked by an ethos of open-ness, hospitality and vulnerability. Perhaps in this way the world might discover a church which is loving and lovely, like Christ.

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In het webinar wordt er verder nagedacht en gereflecteerd op dit paper.

Jennifer Martin, Education in Mission secretary for the Caribbean and North America Council for Mission, United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, explained that the working group has been steadily looking at various aspects of discipleship.

Now, she said, is the time to engage others in exploring what it really means to be a disciple in the world today: “We have to use our voices and we have to use our computers,” she said.

Rev. Dr Peter Cruchley, mission secretary for mission development with the Council for World Mission, acknowledged the deep crisis the world is facing today. “It’s particularly pronounced in the context of COVID, but even without COVID we know we are facing enormous challenges.”

Cruchley, who co-moderated the webinar with Martin, voiced a key question: “Where do you see the hope for us as we develop this?”

Er volgden reacties uit Argentinië, de Fillipijnen, Zambia en Canada.

Klik hier om het webinar terug te kijken.